Before we cease all operations on this blog with immediate effect, we thought we should have one final vain attempt at having Singaporeans and non Singaporean supporters/observers of Soh Ruiyong all over the world to take another final hard look at what, why, how, who they are supporting.
Again, no offense given, none taken as well.
1)The past 5 months have been nothing short of revealing of the true character of Soh Ruiyong and the values he holds dear.
2)This man is still young and very much immature, much like most 25 year olds IN GENERAL!
3)This man has very clearly placed more value on successes and achievements, with his most famous statement whenever anybody has disparaging things to say about him:
4) As if to explicitly suggest that your true value as a human being is overwhelmingly dependent on the number value or prestige value in your display cabinet, or how impressive a CV/resume can resemble.
5)Numbers and prestige are numbers and prestige, nothing more. These are appearances/illusions that though partly important in determining and testifying your success, aren't overwhelmingly the only factors that does so! Does this make sense?! From all our experiences and knowledge with life in general, outside of distance sport, the number value or prestige value of your achievements probably give no more than 20% credible information about your character and the type of principles/values/morals/ethics you hold dear in life! Every one of you singaporeans and non singaporeans alike knows this TRUISM like ABC at the back of all of your minds!!! Can anybody dispute that? We know that nobody can.
6)Many of my readers have been wondering the reactions of Soh Ruiyong's parents on the sidelines, meanwhile, amidst all these soap opera-like drama unfolding in the social media sphere, what with this blog and all the seemingly disparaging comments made about their own son?! Answer: we equally wonder! BUT, if we were Soh Ruiyong's parents, this is what has been suggested to be done by a couple well-meaning fans and supporters of SRY: TIE HIM UP ON THE HIGHEST TREE AVAILABLE AND WHIP HIM WITH THE TIGHTEST WHIP AROUND UNTIL HE COMES TO HIS SENSES, OR OUT OF HIS DISTANCE DELUSION!
7)If there is anybody given to boasting, let him boast the TRUTH! That is the only requirement! This is of course largely dependent on whether one knows the TRUTH in the first place! Don't go around social media telling people to 'dream big', or 'impossible is nothing'(Adidas slogan), because these are low-minded and unedifying phrases with no sustainable future or posterity! Instead we would like to hear people 'dreaming big ONLY to the extent that he/she is able to fulfill moral and ethical responsibilities as a respectable, much less educated, citizen of the world!' This is not even mentioning about familial responsibilities to your spouses/kids or kin in general!
8)Of all ethics/morals/principles/values we believe is most important, the greatest of them all is LOVE, followed by HUMILITY. These 2 virtues are like husband and wife, they come together, EVERY SINGLE TIME! Soh Ruiyong says he loves his art---distance running, he is passionate for attaining the best versions of himself in distance, we are almost swooned over by such LOVE, until we discovered recently he could simultaneously boast with reasonable abandonment his achievements and training in distance sport, and how he deserves to be crowned, by virtue of himself, the wildcard to Rio!(Arrogance defined) But HUMILITY is the deference to others, of believing and wanting to believe that others can have value equally important, if not more so, than you and your abilities/talents/skills! Soh Ruiyong has therefore not love because he has not humility. His so called 'love' is only true as far as he has deceived himself! Then, the way Soh Ruiyong treated me and my team was probably nothing short of the likes of those ones belonging to dictators of political history past. He constantly implicated us as brainless and retarded, calling our names a joke and disrespecting our very humanities, hoping to silence all of us through scare tactics, thinking we would give in to such triviality?! He also repeatedly name-shamed and blamed a mysterious dude, whom we have no choice but to call his 'boyfriend' because of his bizarre fixation with him, and whom till today we have absolutely no idea. We at the blog would like to believe that this 'boyfriend' of his must have been earlier to the task than us, of getting him to drop his Rio olympic bid and change his morally and ethically questionable sports and personal conduct. For that, this 'boyfriend' deserves an award for his courage and genius. We are bummed that we weren't the pioneers of the notion that Soh Ruiyong has no use being at the olympics! By all means, we defer to him! If this 'boyfriend' can reach out to us and tell us who you are, we would be more than honored. Your identity will be protected, we assure you.....
9)Finally a word of thanks to a total of 5 full-time whistleblowers and 2 part-time ones for all your input into the blog. Though, I ultimately help render structure and form to the arguments and analyses in all the 16 blogposts, you guys and girls are the ones who helped made all these possible! You know who you are. A big thank you to all of you! :)
We officially will cease the blog and will not be supplying it ever again, unless requested specifically to do so by you guys, and on a topic we believe to be worth studying and debating. As for Soh Ruiyong, we wish him all the best in his future endeavors, but our social media relationship with him has ended. He doesn't need any more advising. We have said everything we needed to say and it is now up to him to choose which path he wants to go down.
P.S The blog will always remain and anybody and everybody can return to this sea of critical thought whenever they feel like doing so. It will just cease operations, not closed or taken down :)
Keep up the good work darling!
Asked him to compare himself to The Japanese Citizen runner ! The disparity is so great, the guy is so humble ! He run like 8-9 marathons a year, he work 8 hours a day, he is amateur.